Fire Emergency Procedures
Pre-Fire Readiness
- Know the location of fire extinguishers and how to use;
- activate alarm systems in your area immediately
- Fire Extinguisher Instruction
- P = Pull safety pin from the handle
- A= Aim at the base of the fire
- S = Squeeze the trigger handle
- S = Sweep from side to side
- Identify at least two possible evacuation/exit routes from your classroom or office area.
- Never use an elevator as part of your escape route.
- Take an active part in fire evacuation drills.
If you discover a fire
- Activate the nearest fire alarm.
- Call 911
- Follow up with a call to your Supervisor and other occupants.
Maintenance/Physical Plant 377-9451
Student Services 377-9400
Fight the fire ONLY if
- The fire department has been notified of the fire
- The fire is small and confined to its area of origin
- You have a way out and can fight the fire with your back to the exit
- You have the proper extinguisher, in good working order, AND know how to use it.
- If you are not sure of your ability or the fire extinguisher’s capacity to contain the fire, leave the area.
If you hear a fire alarm
- Evacuate the area. Close windows, turn off gas jets, and close doors as you leave.
- Assume the alarm is the real thing!
- Leave the building and move away from exits and out of the way of emergency operations (recommended 500 feet).
- Assemble in a designated area.
- Communicate with administration or fire department so we can determine that all personnel have evacuated your area.
- Remain outside until “all clear” has been issued