Intent and Purpose
The purpose of this plan is to assist employees with the direction, guidance, and support in handling emergencies on campus. There is no conceivable way to write a plan that will guide you through every emergency, as they often occur suddenly. However, these guidelines should provide a framework to cope with and handle most campus emergencies.
Emergency Management Plan
The Emergency Management Plan is under the control of the President of the College and operational direction under the Vice President of Business & Finance with guidance and input from the Safety Committee. The primary objective is preparation, guidance, and protection of employees and students. When an emergency arises our priority is protection.
In the Event of an Emergency
The first employee at the scene is considered the first responder
The President, or designee, will coordinate with the emergency response team
Clear and effective communication is critical to ensuring the health and safety of individuals and minimizing the disruption and/or damage that was caused by the incident. The President may authorize a member of the Response Team to act as the college spokesperson. All media information released will be released by that individual.
The President and Response Team may coordinate a central control center. Possible primary locations: