Billing and Payment

Student Account
Most grants, waivers, scholarships, and loans are applied to your Dawson Community College student account with the Student Services Office.

NOTE: The Master Promissory Note (MPN) must be signed with the U.S. Department of Education.  Also, each semester you are enrolled, you must accept your schedule bill before funds will post to your student account.

Student receives financial aid in excess
Funds that exceed your charges may be picked up by the student on Fee Payment/Disbursal Day. (See academic calendar)

Student receives financial aid that is insufficient
If funds are not sufficient to cover charges, the student will be expected to either pay or make arrangements to pay the remaining balance to the Student Services Office during Fee Payment/Disbursal Day.

Refund Policy

Deferred Payment Plan

The following deferred payment plan for tuition and fees is available:

·         Prior approval must be made before the day of registration

·         A non-refundable administrative charge of $25.00 per semester will be charged

·         One third of total amount due must be paid at the time of registration

·         Another third of total amount due must be paid within 30 days

·         Final third of total amount due must be paid within 60 days

Payment must be made even if the student withdraws from school. Any refund that is owed to the student because of withdrawal (either voluntary or involuntary) will be applied toward the payment of the deferred fee obligation. Should the refund be larger than the amount that is outstanding, the excess will be returned to the student. Any unpaid balance of the deferred obligation must be paid before the student can register, graduate, or receive transcripts.

Students who do not pay in accordance with the terms of the deferred payment contract may have their upcoming enrollment canceled. Students may be denied the right to initiate another deferred payment. Deferred payment contracts must be signed at the Business Office. This plan is subject to change.

Tuition and fees can be found at


  • Student is responsible for the remaining balance of the account unless student officially withdraws from classes before the start of the 8th instructional day.
    Non-attendance of classes will not release the student from the obligation for the debt.
  • Students are not considered “registered” until the semester’s charges have been taken care of with the Student Services Office.