Computer Services

Submit your problem to our help desk system:

If you have an urgent need, please contact our staff: 406-377-9422. 

Acceptable Use Policy

  • Computer Labs
    • Log-on to the network with your own user-name and password.
    • Log-off of the network before leaving the lab.
    • No smoking is allowed in the building.
    • No food or beverages are allowed in the labs at any time.
    • No changes or rearrangements are to be made to any of the computers or their associated devices without first consulting the Computer Services Department.
    • Students may play audio files and media, so long as headphones are used, and they do not disrupt other students in the lab
    • No software/game installations are allowed on the lab computers.
    • No children are allowed at the computers.
    • Keep the hallway doors closed, so that the air conditioning and heating systems work properly.
    • Users should clean up their workstations before leaving the lab.
    • Users should recycle all unwanted printouts in the labeled boxes.
  • Computer Equipment

    To request any IT/AV equipment, please submit a help desk ticket via Here is a list of the equipment available:

    • portable projectors
    • portable screens
    • laptops
    • MacPro (for video editing)
    • HD video camera (on-campus only)
    • DVD-VCR convertor
    • TV’s with VCR and DVD
    • projector stands (can also be used for a laptop)
    • tripods
  • Tech Tips
    • Employees and students can take advantage of special offers from Microsoft and Dell
    • If you need help, never be afraid to ask. If it’s not urgent, use the helpdesk.
    • Never keep all of your eggs in one basket, and don’t put your computer files in a basket either. Save important documents often (train yourself to press Ctrl+S every minute or so), and save the most important files to at least two separate locations. Example: save it to a USB thumb drive, your U drive on campus, and/or your hard drive on your computer. If this confuses you, feel free to ask for assistance at the Computer Services office.
    • As mentioned before, a good way to have a backup of your files is to save them on a USB thumb drive. They can be purchased at the campus bookstore.
    • The labs can be used anytime classes are not in session. Go ahead, make yourself at home (but remember to follow the rules).
  • File Sharing 101

    If you don’t acquire your music from an authorized source, you could have to pay up to $4,000 to settle a lawsuit.

    Using a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing network to download or upload songs seems convenient, but it can often come at unseen cost. No matter what end of the illegitimate file sharing process you are on — downloading, uploading, or both — you are putting yourself at risk.

    There are many cheap and legal sites to download music, TV shows, and movies from. Give one of these services a try:

    Getting your media from legal sources also offers benefits:

    There is no violation of copyright infringement, so no risk of being fined.

    A variety of the latest and most popular music is available from authorized paid websites, so you can get high-quality recordings from reliable sources.

    You don’t have to worry about downloading viruses and malware when you download from legal sites.

    The prices on legal sites are relatively inexpensive, outweighing the hefty costs you could take on if you’re sued for illegitimate downloading.

    It just makes more sense to play fair.