
Tutoring is a free service to Dawson students and is offered in an individual setting. Our tutors have knowledge in specific subjects and will act as a learning resource for you with the goal of helping you excel academically. Tutors will help you review and study what you've learned in class, as well as develop sound study habits, but will not do your homework for you. The tutor will do their best to explain the material you are struggling with, but the more prepared you are to ask questions, the better the tutor will be able to help you. 

Students are expected to come prepared for tutoring by bringing their syllabus, course materials, textbook, and questions. Remember to also utilize the expert in your class: the faculty member teaching the course. Faculty are experts in their fields and are a great resource. You may request a tutor by phone at 406-377-9413 or email at tjohnson@dawson.edu. Students and tutors will work together to determine the best way to conduct tutoring services, along with create a schedule of time and place to meet. Tutoring is offering during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. 

24/7 Online Tutoring

DCC has partnered with CCCOnline to offer free online tutoring 24/7 to DCC students. There are over 300 courses available for online tutoring and I want to point out that Math and English tutors are available. Please follow the steps below to access this resource that is free to you (Please note step 4 if you have never accessed the CCCOnline system before so you can request access prior to needing tutoring).

Steps to Access 24/7 Online Tutoring

Peer Tutoring

The DCC Peer Tutoring program provides DCC students an opportunity to meet with a fellow student and ask questions related to their course material. Peer Tutors are DCC students just like you and understand how intimidating certain courses can be. They are here to guide, encourage, and support you in your learning process. All tutors are undergraduates who excelled in their course and are recommended by DCC faculty. Our services are free to all DCC students!

Mission and Vision Statements

Tutoring Services is committed to helping Dawson Community College students develop and enhance fundamental skills necessary to succeed academically.

We accomplish this by:

  • Working with students collaboratively to identify academic concerns and apply successful strategies for note-taking, time-management, study skills, test-taking skills.
  • Encouraging students to think critically about course content and assess understanding through dialogue and guided practice.
  • Empowering students to become lifelong learners by providing an opportunity to master skills and apply them independently.

Tutoring Types

Single Appointment

  • Individual tutoring
  • 1 hour long
  • one-time
  • If you:
    • Just want to try out tutoring
    • Have a few specific questions
    • Prefer working 1-on-1
    • Want a flexible schedule

Weekly Appointment

  • Group tutoring (2-3 students)
  • 1.5 hours long
  • Every week all semester
  • If you:
    • Want consistent review
    • Enjoy collaborating with your peers
    • can commit to a set schedule

Note: Single appointments book up quickly prior to exams, so plan ahead!

What To Expect

Peer tutors are students like you. Peer Tutors are here to help solidify your understanding of core concepts, guide you through challenging problems, and provide personalized study tips. You will get the most out of your session if you bring questions and think through what concepts you want to focus on during the appointment. Peer Tutors are not professors and do no prepare lesson plans, so please bring questions and practice problems with you.

Learning Styles Inventory

To gain a better understanding of yourself as a learner, you need to evaluate the way you prefer to learn or process information. By doing so, you will be able to develop strategies which will enhance your learning potential. Many tutors require that you complete a learning styles inventory before your first meeting. Click here to access the Learning Styles Inventory.

Request a Tutor

Click here to request a tutor.

Become a Peer Tutor

A Peer Tutor within CORE courses connects with students through one-on-one, small or large group tutoring, and drop-in tutoring. Peer Tutors serve as a bridge between the student and the professor, and they meet with students on a weekly basis to assist in clarifying class specific concepts, sharing effective study and note taking strategies, and preparing students for upcoming tests.

Is Tutoring for You?

  • Are you interested in helping students?
  • Have you enjoyed your courses at DCC?
  • Are you interested in developing leadership skills and mastering tutoring techniques?
  • Do you have effective communication and inter-personal skills?
  • Would you like to add meaningful work experience to your resume?
  • Can you commit to at least five hours a week to tutor for a semester?

Who is Eligible to Serve as a Peer Tutor?

Students who have completed at least one semester at Dawson Community College and have earned at least a 3.0 GPA are eligible to serve as a peer tutor. You will also need to have an A or B in any course you wish to tutor. 

Click here to apply to become a peer tutor. 

Training for Peer Tutors

If you are hired to serve as a Peer Tutor, please complete this training session.