
The Psychology curriculum focuses on understanding individual behavior – relationships among the physical world (biology and behavior), thought, emotion, memory, and spirit. Some careers awaiting psychology majors are directly in the field of psychology, while others require additional training in another field or specialty area. In either case, having a solid understanding of the human mind and behavior can be beneficial in a multitude of careers. Psychology majors may pursue many potential avenues of study and employment, including: therapy, counseling (mental health, school, and addiction), research, or focus on special areas in psychology such as physiological, cognitive, and behavioral.

For more information about this program and plan of study, please refer to the current catalog.

Suggested Courses
BIOB160 Principles of Living Systems 3
BIOB161 Principles of Living Systems Lab 1
CD231 Drugs, Pharmacology, Society, Behavior 3
M121 College Algebra 4
PSYX100 Intro to Psychology 3
PSYX211 Personality and Adjustment 3
PSYX230 Developmental Psychology 3
PSYX272 Educational Psychology 3
SOCI101 Intro to Sociology 3
SOCI160 Intro to Juvenile Delinquency 3
SOCI201 Social Problems 3
SOCI206 Deviant Behavior 3
SOCI215 Intro to Sociology of the Family 3
SOCI246 Intro to Rural Sociology 3
STAT216 Intro to Statistics 4