Employee Resources

Employees who wish to receive their W-2 electronically must:

  1. Login to the MyInfo site using your D#.
  2. In the Main Menu, section select Employee, then select Tax Forms. Then, select Electronic Regulatory Consent to make sure the “Consent to receive W-2 electronically” box is checked.
  3. The How to Access W-2 in My Info user guide below will walk you through how to retrieve your tax forms.

Electronic W-2 statements will be accessible through the employee website through December 31, 2025. If you completed the electronic consent correctly, you will receive an e-mail notification no later than January 31st with the subject line "Important Tax Return Document Available."

If you need assistance retrieving your W-2, please contact either Ashton or Tammy:

Ashton Copp, HR Assistant: 406.377.9430 or acopp@dawson.edu

Tammy Reed, Assistant Business Manager: 406.377.9402 or treed@dawson.edu

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