Event Calendar

Art Symposium for K-12 Educators

Friday, August 2, 20198:30 amSaturday, August 3, 20194:30 pm
DCC Ullman Center Room 102

Earn 7 renewal units per class or 1 credit for both courses.

Led by DCC Art Instructor Jennifer Wheeler, MFA.


Deep Critical Art (History) Thinking
August 2-3, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. (Must attend both sessions)
The Still Life is the best-loved, most often used art form in the history of Western art painting. From the viewpoint of a brief overview, we will look at different genres of Still Life painting – the Greco-Roman images of xenia (or Hospitality Gifts), tromp l’oeil, Breakfast Paintings (associated with the cycles of nature and Christian moralism), Dutch flower painting, and more. We will hone our skills of perception as we learn to decode the symbolism of Still Life paintings, not just as a random collection of objects, but rather, in art-historical contexts. These objects are imbued with signs and signifiers that carry specific meanings and messages. Through selected readings and class discussions, this 2-day workshop offers participants insights into a hidden language of the visual – and we will be better equipped to be readers of images upon completion. Come join this feast for the eyes as we pursue these breathtakingly beautiful images from eras past!

Studio Art & Visual Storytelling
August 2-3, 1-4:30 p.m. (Must attend both sessions)
This 2-day studio art workshop is an experiential one. The workshop is meant as an extension of the morning program, Deep Critical Art (History) Thinking. In this fun, hands-on workshop, we will each create a colorful work of art based on a happy memory or experience. Our collaged artwork will be comprised of beautiful, textured papers, which we will create ourselves using paintbrushes, sponges, bubble wrap, crinkled papers, and even found objects, such as leaves or bottle caps. Day 1 will be spent creating our collage supplies, and Day 2 will be spent building a colorful still life composition made up of the decoded objects that we will learn about in the Art History portion of the workshop, as well as revealing our own content through color symbolism and proximal relationships.

Renewal Units: $62 for 7 (one class), $124 for 14 (two classes)
Credit: $124 (in-district), $175 (out-of-district)

DCC Ullman Center Room 102